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Some of the links below are affiliate links and I may get a small referral fee if you make a purchase at no cost to you. These affiliate fees help support my free and community work and I only recommend tools I use and believe are valuable ❤️

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"'22 ways to find leads without social media' is a classic. Thank you for taking the air out of social media."

Bryony Angell

Journalist, narrative non-fiction writer and speaker

© 2024 Lex Roman. All rights reserved.

Get Low Energy Leads!

Join 1200+ creatives booking clients their way. Get more leads without relying on big tech.

What readers are saying

"'22 ways to find leads without social media' is a classic. Thank you for taking the air out of social media."

Bryony Angell

Journalist, narrative non-fiction writer and speaker

© 2024 Lex Roman. All rights reserved.

Get Low Energy Leads!

Join 1200+ creatives booking clients their way. Get more leads without relying on big tech.

What readers are saying

"'22 ways to find leads without social media' is a classic. Thank you for taking the air out of social media."

Bryony Angell

Journalist, narrative non-fiction writer and speaker

© 2024 Lex Roman. All rights reserved.